The SIMATIC S7-400H is used to avoid downtimes. As a member of the well-tried SIMATIC S7 family, it is based on standard components. The SIMATIC S7-400H provides the highest level of availability thanks to its redundant configuration, and can be as easily programmed as a standard system. All modifications can be made in online mode. In such cases, both CPUs are automatically updated. The CPUs can be expanded by adding ET 200M or S7-400 signal-modules.
Overview of further highlights:
- Easier handling:
Most redundancy-relevant functions are hidden from the user
- Easier parameter initialization:
The parameters for redundancy-specific functions and configurations can be comfortably assigned using the STEP 7 option package
- Easier programming:
SIMATIC S7-400H is programmed in the same way as a non-redundant standard system
All standard programming languages, that can be used for the SIMATIC S7, can also be used here without restriction
- Easy porting:
The program for non-redundant systems can be easily ported for redundancy and vice versa
- Faster system configuration and commissioning
- Better system integration
- Uniform engineering for standard and redundant control component
- Use of existing PROFIBUS cables even for redundant communication
- Full integration in PCS 7 - integrated process control system for high availability
- Faster commissioning
- Full concentration on the actual automation task in comparison with conventional redundant solutions because redundancy-specific functions are executed automatically by the operating system
- Retention of the highest level of plant availability
- Early fault detection thanks to better diagnostic functions
- Automatic switch-over to redundant hardware in the case of a hardware failure without any loss of data
- Support of redundant I/O